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County health officials pleasantly surprised at sharp drop in number of opioid overdoses




OLEAN — A downward trend in Cattaraugus County opioid deaths this year has health officials pleasantly surprised.

“Something has happened this year,” Public Health Director Dr.Kevin D. Watkins told members of the Board of Health Wednesday. “We’re not sure what it is, but we’re happy to see that the number has started to drift downward.”

There have been two opioid overdose deaths reported in the county so far this year and three more that are suspected but not confirmed, Watkins told the board meeting at the Old Library Restaurant.

That compares to a record 28 opioid deaths in 2023, 27 deaths in 2022, 13 in 2021 and 12 in 2020.

At this time last year there had been a dozen opioid overdose deaths reported in Cattaraugus County.

Twenty-six of the 28 deaths in 2023 involved fentanyl, Watkins said. Most of the deaths were in the city of Olean and some were in Olean.

Thirteen overdose deaths were recorded in the city of Olean, one each in the towns of Olean and Portville and seven in the city of Salamanca.

March 0f 2023 was the deadliest month in terms of overdose deaths with five. There were four deaths in January and July, three in April, September and November, two in February and June and one in August and December. No overdose deaths were reported in May and October last year.

So far this year, Olean and Salamanca each have one opioid overdose death. There are three suspected overdoses pending confirmation.

Watkins said there have been coordinated efforts at harm reduction in light of the increased number of overdose deaths — largely fentanyl.

Increased distribution and availability of Naloxone or Narcarn as well as fentanyl test strips appear to be having an impact in bringing down the number of overdose deaths this year.

Health Department partners in the effort to stem the number of opioid overdose deaths Casa Trinity, Southern Tier Health Care System, Olean General Hospital, county facilities, schools and churches.

A powerful new opioid antidote, Nalmefene or Opvee, is now available, Watkins said. Often, someone who has overdosed on fentanyl-laced opioids may need two or three doses of Narcan to be revived.

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